by Stephen Eric Bronner
Utopia is usually considered a dirty word. The concept has been too
often been employed to justify the worst totalitarian terror and justify
passivity in the face of actual political issues. Rarely is utopia
understood as a regulative ideal that resists translation into practice
yet remains necessary to guide any genuine attempt at liberation. It
instead conjures up images of demagogues, dreamers, fanatics,
apocalypse, gullibility, and – perhaps above all — what Samuel Butler,
the great Victorian satirist, called “erehwon” (or “nowhere” spelled
backwards). But this is only part of the story. Utopia has an
anthropological appeal, especially for the lowly and the insulted, and
Ernst Bloch was surely right when he noted in Heritage of Our Times (1935)
that “man does not live by bread alone – especially when he doesn’t
have any.” Most civilizations have their unique ideals of a heavenly or
secular paradise from which, given a cosmopolitan outlook, every other
civilization can learn. Utopian traces appear in the most varied forms
of art, philosophy, and religion. They provide insight into what
humanity might truly want—or not want – and so give substance to
aspirations for liberated society.
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